Nest Ink Blog

Ear Tubes and Tattoos
by Allison Micali
I knew it, almost immediately. He would become tired a little quicker, cranky, less likely to settle into his snack. He’d rub his ears, the tear...
Acknowledging Emotions
Baby Bonding
Communication Challenges with Children
Conscious Parenting
Ear Infections in Toddlers
Ear Tubes Surgery
Emotional Awareness
Emotional Health for Parents
Healing Affirmations
Inspirational Temporary Tattoos
Listening to Children
Nest Ink Tattoos
Parental Support
Parenting and Child Health
Parenting Journey
Self-Care for Parents
Tattoo Stories
Toddler Ear Pain
“May You Be Healthy” Tattoos

The Mindfulness of Diaper Changes
by Gary Kosman
While we were pregnant with Sloanie (the 15 month-old rockstar you see here), we enrolled in a Mindful Self-Compassion course at InsightLA. Mindfu...
Acknowledging Emotions
Baby Bonding
Baby Compassion
Conscious Parenting
Diaper Changing Tips
Emotional Awareness
Janet Lansbury
Listening to Children
Mindful Parenting
Mindful Self Compassion
Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC)
New Parent Training
Parenting Tips
Poetry on Parenting
Tattoo Stories

How Prenatal Mindfulness Can Help With Anxiety & Morning Sickness During Pregnancy
by Gary Kosman
Parents Magazine has a great article about three women who experienced physical and emotional challenges during their pregnancies, and how they used mindfulness techniques to help them work through their toughest moments.

Data on Mindfulness Training & Maternal Health
by Gary Kosman
A randomized control study out of the University of California, San Francisco found that mindfulness training that is carefully tailored to address...
Childbirth Pain Relief
Expecting Moms Mindfulness
Maternal Health Benefits
Mind in Labor Program
Mindfulness in Childbirth
Mindfulness Training for Pregnancy
Mindfulness-Based Childbirth Education
Modern Mindfulness for Pregnancy
Nancy Bardacke
Opioid-Free Pain Relief
Pain Management in Labor
Postpartum Depression Prevention
Pregnancy Affirmations
Temporary Tattoos for New Parents
UCSF Mindfulness Research